segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2016

Positive Expectations

The educators should always try to make the most for their students to achieve their full potential. Instead of lowering the expectations towards a students we, as educators, should redirect the focus of their learning to another objective more adequate to their availability. In other words, if a child is not coping according to our expectations we should change our course of action maintaining positive expectations at all times.
We might have to modify, or redirect, our expectations if a student is not coping with a certain objective in order to keep him motivated with learning or to reassure them and increase their self-esteem. For example, if a child is not coping with an academic subject we should direct the focus of his learning in the adjacent issue, that might be sensorial or behavioural; later, if the new objective was accomplished, we can re-direct the child to achieve the initial objective or create a new one.

This topic leads us to an interesting debate between two different systems – ABA and Son-Rise – used to educate children with ASD. Selfe (2013) leaves the question: should educational programmes address inherent weaknesses in order to improve child's life in general or should educational programmes address evident strengths to develop self-confidence and achieve greater incidental learning? The experience leads us to believe that is the delicate balance between the two ideas that creates the best approach.

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